Illicit Trade Kills: Spotlighting the victims of illicit economies and greed crimes

Every year, criminalized trade and trafficking across illicit economies kill hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Illicit trade is not harmless nor a victimless crime.  Illicit economies and greed crimes have tremendous human, economic, societal and security costs and consequences to governments, markets, industries, communities, and innocent citizens. From small villages in Africa…

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Fourth Transnational Criminal Wave: New Extra Regional Actors and Shifting Markets Transform Latin America’s Illicit Economies and Transnational Organized Crime Alliances

Find our NEW ICAIE Research Report by our Senior Advisor, Douglas Farah, published by Florida International University, Summer, 19 June 2024. Transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) in Latin America are undergoing significant transformations, driven by new alliances with extra-regional actors and supported by ideologically flexible authoritarian governments. These changes pose serious threats to democratic governance, the…

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National Security Harms: Third Party Litigation Funding Corrodes the Integrity of Rules-Based Trade, the Rule of Law, the Justice Sector, and Open Markets

Remarks and Statement by David M. Luna, Chair of Anti-Illicit Trade Expert Group (AITEG), Business at OECD; and Executive Director, International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE) The reality today in a more complex, dangerous world, is that we are losing market share to criminals, terrorists, illicit threat networks, and their enablers who use the profits…

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ICAIE Keynote Address at The Pentagon: Getting Ahead of the Game in a new Multi-Polar World across Today’s Spectrum of Threats, Converging Ecosystems of Criminality, and Hybrid (Irregular) Warfare

On May 8, 2024 ICAIE Executive Director, David M. Luna gave a keynote address at The Pentagon as part of the POM review and conference of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on countering drug trafficking, illicit threat networks, and threat convergence vectors. The program was chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for…

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Illicit Trade is Emerging as a Top 5 World Economy (GDP) in 2024: Yielding Criminals, Bad Actors, and Threat Networks Between $3-5 Trillion a Year in Illicit Wealth

Across today’s global threat landscapes, criminals, bad actors, illicit networks, and their corrupt enablers exploit vulnerabilities across borders, international trading system, supply chains, retail and e-commerce marketplaces for illicit enrichment, and to diversify, and expand their criminal portfolios and ecosystems of criminality. Lucrative criminal activities enable and fuel multitrillion-dollar illicit economies include the smuggling and…

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ICAIE New Report on How Iran’s Threat and Illicit Networks Finance Chaos and Malign Influence to Destabilize U.S. Interests in the Americas and Globally

WASHINGTON, February 12, 2024 – Today, the International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE), a national security non-governmental organization based in Washington, DC, released a new report entitled, “How Iran’s Threat and Illicit Networks Finance Chaos and Malign Influence to Destabilize U.S. Interests in the Americas and Globally“, co-authored by Douglas Farah and David M. Luna. The New ICAIE policy brief…

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ICAIE Issues New Policy Brief on The Growing Harms of Cross-Border Illicit Trade Vectors and Threat Convergence to Canada’s National Security: Urgent Attention and Action are Needed 

WASHINGTON, DC, USA November 27, 2023: Today, the International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE), a national security non-governmental organization based in Washington, DC, released a new report entitled, “The Growing Harms of Cross-Border Illicit Trade Vectors and Threat Convergence to Canada’s National Security“, co-authored by Calvin Chrustie and David M. Luna. The ICAIE policy brief and recommendations…

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ICAIE Senior Advisor Doug Farah’s new USIP Research on Russian Influence Campaign in Latin America

Using disinformation, economic coercion, and covert and overt political action, Moscow has sowed anti-US sentiment and weakened democratic institutions in Latin America—a strategic space critical for Washington—while shaping the behavior of Latin American governments in Russia’s favor. This report examines Russia’s strategic interests, objectives, and tactics in Latin America by exploring its use of media…

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Advancing Public-Private Partnerships: Countering Illicit Economies and Crime Convergence – Spotlighting the Victims of Illicit Trade

In the coming months through numerous initiatives, projects, conferences, media interviews, and strategic communications, ICAIE will be advancing public-private partnerships to counter illicit economies and crime convergence, and bringing greater attention to the victims of illicit trade and related harms. Illicit economies are not harmless and can have tremendous human, economic, societal and security costs…

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About ICAIE: Information and Strategic Overview 2023-2024

The International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE) is a national security-centric NGO based in Washington DC. ICAIE continues to bring global leadership in advancing public-private partnerships to counter illicit economies, criminalized trade, counterfeits, illegal opioids, cybercrime, money laundering/trade-based money laundering (TBML), threat finance, corruption and other criminality.

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