Irregular Warfare in Great Power Competition and Gray Zones: Prosecuting Authoritarian Subversion, Strategic Corruption & Criminality to Weaken Democracy

Irregular Warfare in Strategic Competition and Gray Zones: Prosecuting Authoritarian Subversion and Exploitative Use of Corruption and Criminality to Weaken Democracy The recording of the Presentation, Powerpoint, and White Paper and other supporting materials are up and available at David M. Luna Executive Director International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE) Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)…

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ICAIE Keynote Address at The Pentagon: Getting Ahead of the Game in a new Multi-Polar World across Today’s Spectrum of Threats, Converging Ecosystems of Criminality, and Hybrid (Irregular) Warfare

On May 8, 2024 ICAIE Executive Director, David M. Luna gave a keynote address at The Pentagon as part of the POM review and conference of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on countering drug trafficking, illicit threat networks, and threat convergence vectors. The program was chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for…

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ICAIE New Report on How Iran’s Threat and Illicit Networks Finance Chaos and Malign Influence to Destabilize U.S. Interests in the Americas and Globally

WASHINGTON, February 12, 2024 – Today, the International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE), a national security non-governmental organization based in Washington, DC, released a new report entitled, “How Iran’s Threat and Illicit Networks Finance Chaos and Malign Influence to Destabilize U.S. Interests in the Americas and Globally“, co-authored by Douglas Farah and David M. Luna. The New ICAIE policy brief…

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ICAIE Senior Advisor’s Op-Ed in the Miami Herald: Ecuador at Center of Latin America’s slide into Authoritarianism and Violence

Ecuador at the center of Latin America’s slide into authoritarianism and violence Find a new op-ed by ICAIE Senior Advisor Doug Farah in the Miami Herald, 21 August 2023.  Ecuador will not be the only democratic U.S. ally to become a criminalized state and fall prey to the authoritarian wave crushing the Americas. This is exacerbated…

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